Third Week & Norlys & Alt for Norge


Third Week

The third week gave me finally a more comfortable feeling. I started get used to my new school, my class, my host family and also it didn't bother me that much anymore, that I have no clue what the people around me are talking. You just have to accept the situation... That doesn't mean you ignore the language, you still have try to listen carefully and try to understand as much as you can.  Sometimes your mind is so exhausted from translating and listening all the time, that your brain feels smashed xD You are knocked out for the rest of the day. However everyone in Norway speaks a very good or at least a proper English, so I can communicate and still make connections with people.

Norlys (northern lights)

Norlys is the Norwegian word for the northern lights, yes I saw them already and yes they are as beautiful as the postcards and the internet shows. It was a Friday evening about 11 o'clock. I was watching a movie, when suddenly my host mother told me I should come outside. I opened the door and got stunned by blue green light in the sky, which moved like a slow wave in the sea...It was a really magical and wonderful moment. I was very lucky to see the northern lights so early in the year. Mostly the northern lights are comment during late fall and winter. I was already really impressed, although my host mother said that this is nothing compared to the northern lights in the winter. It's really hard to catch the northern lights with a phone camera. I have  to prepare my real camera, so I can take a photo, which shows the real beauty of the northern lights. I'm really looking forward to winter, when I can hopefully get some great shots and I can share them with you.

Alt for Norge

Every Sunday at 8 o'clock my host family including the farmur (grandmother on the fatherside) and me sit in front of the TV. It is "Alt for Norge" time. It is really popular in Norway. It's a weekly TV-show about "Norwegian-Americans". These are mostly young people from America, who have ancestors or family members from Norway. The ancestors immigrated many many years ago to America and left often a part of their family members in Norway. The descendants, the participants, will travel to Norway and will get to know the Norwegian culture, food and life style closer over the several weeks in TV-show. Also important to know is that each of the "Norwegians-Americans" still have some family members in Norway. The goal for the participants is to win challenges, which allow them to get round for round farther. The winner at the end will meet is family members, who still live in Norway. Especially for me the TV-show is really informative, because the most challenges have to do with the Norwegian language, history, food or culture. They get conflicted with mostly the same stuff as I do in my daily life as exchange student in Norway xD

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1 Kommentare

  1. Hey, sind gerade am Abwettern in Korcula, Kroatien. Sehr heftige Winde und viel Regen. Vielen Dank wieder für den spannenden Blog.


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