1700 Clicks & Current Situation


1700 Clicks <3

Thank you sooooo much.

I never could imagine that there is such a big intrest in my exchange year here in Norway. I created this Blog mostly for my family members and some close, but alos for me to save my experiences, photos and adventures.

I really appreciated that you guys out there read my Blogs and hopefully enjoy it.

Current Situation

I want to discripe my current situation about my Blog. There will come some changes in the future. I will skipe from the fifth week directly to the tenth week. The reason for this change is a bit hard to explain. I alway wrote my Blogs after the week was over. That means stuff which I experienced in the first week came online in the third week. As you may realised I fell out of my scedule over the time and ended up here in the tenth week writing about the fifthweek. I know it doesn't make sense to really continuing that. 

That you don't miss the important things during this missing five weeks, I will try to upload a bigger Blog about this weeks here and my adventures. There is much to tell ;) I hope after that I will keep my scedule and can upload weekly content.

So stay soon and also again a big THANK YOU for the big interest.

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